

Just like everyone needs fuel to thrive, $NUTS energizes positive change.

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our mission


$NUTS is more than just a digital currency; it's a symbol of community and compassion. Every purchase made with Nuts contributes directly to the protection and rehabilitation of the Mearns's squirrel habitat.

How It Works

Imagine each transaction as a small nut dropped into the forest floor, nurturing the growth of this precious species. Through partnerships with wildlife experts and local conservationists, $NUTS ensures that funds are channeled into vital efforts such as habitat restoration, research initiatives, and educational programs.

Community Impact

By choosing $NUTS, users become advocates for biodiversity, spreading awareness and rallying support for the plight of these charismatic squirrels. Join the $NUTS community and make a difference today.

Protecting Squirrel Habitats

Together, we can ensure that future generations inherit a world where Mearns's squirrels thrive in their natural habitat – a world where every Nuts token is a testament to our commitment to nature and compassion. 3% of supply will go directly to Mearns's squirrel charity fund in order to maintain their population in Mexico.

$NUTS roadmap


types of exes and their definition

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She left on her own, she came on her own The sassy chick who left you, saying that you are a loser, dress poorly, earn little, don't give flowers.

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This is also not the most pleasant behavior among people. This type starts writing nasty things about their ex, passing the buck and telling dirty and personal secrets, shaking out all the trash from the relationship

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This ex, who, like a draft horse, begins to plow herself and improve herself everywhere. She will most likely be unrecognizable in a month.

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This is a honey girl who sticks to you like a cockchafer. With all her paws and arms, she wraps herself around her betrothed, cooing to him about her beautiful love and devotion.
